What good are all the great plans and ideas for customised surfaces and room designs if you don't know how to implement them? If you, as a craftsman, have no experience with one product or another, you will quickly reach your limits or possibly drive the much-desired order from the customer up the wall.
It's much better to attend a workshop and gain the necessary knowledge about successful processing in advance.
This will give you the confidence you need for your next project and keep your customers happy. You will also get to know your supplier better.
"I'm not doing the 25th workshop just to buy this product!"
Then show us your expertise! We understand that and don't force anyone to attend our workshops. But we want to make sure that the processors of MATEREA products know what they are doing. We owe that to ourselves and the end customers.
Training is provided in the use of the two MATEREA products T-Razzino+ and T-Razzino 1K.
There are no workshops planned at the moment.
Lime has many faces. In paste or powder form, grain size, pot life and so much more.
There are no workshops planned at the moment.
Powdered lime, exposed concrete, real metal, glazes and aggregates. A huge field of activity.
There are no workshops planned at the moment.
What good are great products and processing expertise if you as a craftsman find it difficult to sell these services to men/women? What good are the best orders if you don't have the time to complete them on time? And what happens if your team doesn't pull together?
Your tasks as an entrepreneur and boss are varied and very often challenging. That's why it makes sense to do what characterises us humans. Nature and evolution have given us a wonderful characteristic. We can learn from others and make the experience of people who have travelled this path before us our own.
All we have to do to be successful is to take this knowledge with us.
There is a saying that is as simple as it is true:
whatever you can't do, you can buy.
In many areas of life, we do this automatically. Is your car rattling? Then you buy the services of the garage. You feel ill - you buy the knowledge and help of a doctor. The list could go on and on.
But what if we don't know something and therefore come up against entrepreneurial (success) limits?
Then we push through, carry on and hope that everything will get better at some point. But if you always do the same thing and hope that things will change, you might as well believe in unicorns or the tooth fairy. It won't make anything better.
Life is change. It has to be embraced. So when are you going to get started?
Selling is hard!
Being bought is much more pleasant.
I don't have time for this!
How often have you said or thought that?
The aim of classic time management is to minimise wasted time and make the best use of the time available.
Your business is going well - you and your team have jobs that are interesting and well paid, you are fully booked for months. Everything could be so good...
Calculation is annoying! Or does it?
A good calculation is the basis for the success of any company. Without the right figures, it is impossible to become truly successful.
Participants will be trained in the use of the two Materea products, T-Razzino+ and T-Razzino 1K.
Smooth, fine-grained surfaces, textured surface design, and appropriate finishing techniques using glazes and aggregates.
The topic of sealing, the installation of the MATEREA shower board, and perhaps most importantly: tips and experiences for selling to the end customer.
Lime has many faces. Paste-like or powdered, grain size, pot life, and so much more.
In this workshop, you will process the various grain sizes of our ready-to-use, paste-like Naturale in fine, medium, and coarse textures. Over the course of one and a half days, you will create 9 extraordinary surfaces and use this knowledge to further develop your own creations. For you, your customers, and your economic success!
Powdered lime, exposed concrete, real metal, glazes, and aggregates. A vast field of activity.
The insight and overview into the world of MATEREA D-Korativ surfaces lasts two days. 9 truly awesome surfaces will amaze you and your customers.
Selling is hard!
Being bought is much more pleasant.
Many entrepreneurs in the skilled trades are really good craftsmen, but often lousy salespeople. It is also a fact that filling out service specifications definitely has nothing to do with selling.
Real selling is an interaction with your prospect.
Understanding your potential customer and giving them the information they need is immensely important if you want to sell your service successfully.
I don't have time for that!
How often have you said or thought that?
The aim of classic time management is to minimise wasted time and make the best possible use of the time available. Efficiency and time management are at the centre of this.
In this seminar, however, we go one important step further, because: Values, goals and desires are the basis of our actions. As human beings, we do the things that give us the most pleasure particularly well. This needs to be taken into account when it comes to task management rather than just time management. Because in reality, time cannot be managed. But the tasks we spend our time on can be.
Your business is going well - everything could be so good!
You and your team have jobs that are interesting and well paid, you are fully booked for months. Everything would be great - if the mood in the team wasn't getting worse and worse. Your employees arrive at the construction site on Mondays unmotivated, they make careless mistakes, are in a bad mood and call in sick more and more often.
And you have no idea why this is the case.
Time to change that!
Calculation is annoying! Or does it?
A good calculation is the basis for the success of any company. Without the right figures, it is impossible to become truly successful.